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Teams showing 'West' only play around the Ipswich region. All other teams can potentially play any of the other QCSA clubs within the North, South, Central and West regions. All games are on a Saturday (No Sunday Games) except for Over 30's and Over 40's who play on Friday night.
Teams in Ages Under 6 - Under 14 play in a mixed competition.
Teams in under 15/16 and 17/18 age groups play in boys and girls competitions.
Do you know WhitehillFC is part of the Containers for Change programe to make a real difference in our community and to our environments.
During the season you will see some pink bins around Tivoli to place your recyclable cans and plastic containers into.
The funds collected from these items will help the club purchase and update some new equipment for the club. So you are helping the environment and our club at the same time.
You can also use our Containers for Change Scheme ID C10506426 at any drop-off point when you are recycling your bottles and cans. The funds will then come straight to Whitehill FC.