Sign on for the 2025 Season Open Now -


Whitehillfc Volunteer Roles

Volunteer Position Volunteer Name Executive Role Committee Member Role Tasks
President Yes As per President Role Statement
Secretary Yes As per Secretary Role Statement
Treasurer Yes As per Treasurer Role Statement
Director Yes As per Director Role Statement
Grounds Person Yes As per Committee Role Statement
West Zone Rep Yes As per Committee Role Statement
Discipline Officer Yes As per Committee Role Statement
Grants Officer Yes As per Committee Role Statement
Fundraising / Sponsorship Officer Yes As per Committee Role Statement
Results Officer Yes As per Committee Role Statement
Merchandise Officer As per Treasurer Role Statement Yes Taking and placing orders. Delivering orders and receiving payments
Canteen Convenor Yes As per Committee Role Statement
Insurance Claim Officer Part of the Secretary Role As per Secretary Role Statement
Social Media Coordinator Part of the Secretary Role As per Secretary Role Statement
Newsletter/Communications Part of the Secretary Role As per Secretary Role Statement
Player Representatives - (Junior and Senior) Yes As per Committee Role Statement
Volunteer Support As per President Role Statement Oversight and pastoral support of all volunteers, as listed here, also coaches and managers
Risk/Compliance Officer As per Director Role Statement Ensure Whitehill FC is compliant with relevant legislation. - keeping in partnership with Secretary.
Junior Referees Coordinator Yes As per Committee Role Statement
Committee Member   Yes As per Committee Role Statement

 Committe Member Role Statement

Treasurer Role Statement

President Role Statement

Director Role Statement

Secretary Role Statement

Registrar Role Statement

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I join? You can join anytime through our website and sign up on line, you cannot take part in training or playing fixtures until you have signed-on. If you are new to WhitehillFC, you will need to bring proof of age to the first training session, which includes either a Birth Certificate (or Extract of Birth); Passport or Australian Citizenship Certificate. 

If I miss sign-on, how do I join? Go to our website and follow the 2024 Player Registrations, it is now able to be done on-line. No player will be allowed to participate at training or matches unless they are fully registered.  

How old must I be to join? You must have turned four (4) years of age by 31 December 2023.

Early Bird ? If payment is made in full online, prior to early bird date, a discount per full registration will apply. 

What gear do I have to buy?            

Must have:      Club shorts and socks, shin pads, boots (jerseys provided by the Club)  
Should have:   Water bottle (for training and games)  
Could have:     Soccer ball (for training and self learning);
No players are permitted to take part in any training or fixture matches unless they are wearing shin pads and shoes/soccer boots.  

Note that soccer balls come in three sizes:  Size 3 (Under 7 & 8); Size 4 (Under 9 to Under 13); Size 5 (Under 14 and older).  

When does the season start/finish?                       

Under 6 – Under 15/16: Fixtures commence on March - August

For teams participating in competitions for Under 9-Under 15/16, they may also qualify for finals which are played in August/September;

Senior Teams and Over 30’s/40’s: Fixtures commence on Friday/Saturday in March and finish in August 2024.  For those divisions playing 20 rounds, there may be Monday/Tuesday night games.  Some teams may also qualify for finals which are played in August/September.  

A complete schedule of fixtures for the season is not yet finalised, but will be prior to the first round of fixtures.  

Parent Support: Parents/Guardians are asked to be on hand at training sessions and fixture matches in case of illness, injury or disciplinary reasons.  There is a simple maxim that is worth remembering ‘They play, You coach, I cheer”.  Children are here to have fun and learn.  Let children play and leave it to the coach to give instruction.  All a parent needs to do is cheer and give positive feedback to all players on both sides at every opportunity.  

Wet Weather ?   Prior to going to your training/games you should check either our Facebook Page , this web page or the web site for the most up to date information. As you know the weather can be unpredictable/random at times.Unless training/your game is showing as being cancelled please turn up to these as they are still on.

Team Photos ? To keep costs affordable for everyone Whitehill FC doesn’t have official team photos. What the teams do is at the last game (at the end of the season or close to it), they organise for everyone to bring their cameras along so everyone can take a photo of the team. This can happen at any time during the season. 

Canteen and Field Set Up Roster ? Each team will be required to help with the canteen and field set up/pack up at some point during the season . The Secretary will forward each team a roster of their time and date.

Please make sure if you are rostered on to assist with the canteen and field set up/pack that up you are there on time, as failure to do so may mean the field is not set up for the day's play.

Participation Award ? All junior players receive a award at the end of the season for their participation.